Linked to Life provides personal in-home care and support for those who feel lonely and socially isolated at home. Give us a call to see what we can offer you.

We can arrange for a volunteer to visit you on a regular basis for companionship and a friendly chat.

The professional team at Linked to Life take the time to discover your particular preferences, interest, hobbies, and cultural background, and match you with a volunteer with similar interests. This helps maximise the benefits of your relationship with your volunteer.

You may like to use the time with your volunteer to play cards, or other games, discuss mutual topics of interest, or do some craft or hobbies together.

Our in-home services can also include more practical activities such as assisting you to write letters or cards to friends or relatives, help you sort paperwork, reading, or even exploring the internet together.

These services are especially valued by long-distance family members, knowing that someone is looking out for their loved ones on a regular basis.

Or we can even arrange for a volunteer to home visit on a short-term basis, especially during times when primary carers or family members are absent.