I love volunteering for Linked to life. It has been a very rewarding experience to help people with everyday activities. It’s changed my life and outlook, as the benefits work both ways.
Marg Keeley – Volunteer
My experience as a volunteer with “Link to Life”, is one filled with pure joy. The clients and I enjoy a coffee, lunch, chatter, a listening ear, shopping, bus trip – whatever is requested in our time together. I am always left with the memory of cheerful faces, words of wisdom, and for me, a feeling of elation for having been in the company of these delightful people. Thank you to the Link to Life team and clients, for the opportunity to share, with enthusiasm, the moment to moment, “Joy Of Life”
Dorothy-Clare – Volunteer
The help I get from my volunteer Marg and going on the bus outings means the world to me. I have been with Linked to Life for more than 15 years now, and I think the staff and the services are fantastic. I am so pleased to be with them. Linked to Life is a five star service.
Netherley Craig
The calibre of Linked to Life staff and volunteers is always exceptional and encouraging of independence. Happiness is “Remaining in one’s home”. I have had the benefit of most of the excellent services provided: housekeeping, shopping, outings, social visitors, workshops and visits of interest.
Jean Powell